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a local community and folk museum.

Donate to The Museum

Your support helps sustain the Museum’s extraordinary level of programming, conservation, and research, enabling millions of visitors to experience the power of art. Thank you for your support.

Please note that your contribution is tax-deductible within the limits prescribed by law.

How you can donate:

You can now make a donation to support our future plans by visiting the Museum and putting money in a collecting box, or to fill in a Gift Aid Form, through JustGiving on the link below or  Amazon Smile, or you can make a bequest in your will.


Donate through JustGiving with a simple click of the button 

or follow the link:

Donate using AmazonSmile:

We can get ½% of your spend.

Also, If you would like to help the Museum and its work, you might like to leave a bequest in your will.  One of the easiest and most flexible ways to do this is to use the Charities Aid Foundation web site for the wordings to suit most situations. Please visit:

Click on the Gift Aid Form image to get a pdf file which you can now print out.
Gift Aid Form2_000001.jpg
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